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Governing Body

If you wish to contact the Governing Board please email:

Click here to view our Remit As Governors     

  Name Election Dates Committee Appointed by Relevant Business & Pecuniary Interests
LA Representative x1  Simon Holden Elected 25/05/23
Expires 24/05/27
Finance LA None
Parent Governors x3 Jonathan Haviland Elected 11/10/21
Expires 10/10/25
Voted as Vice Chair 03/07/23
Finance Parents Son at school
  Stephen Tuffin Elected 25/09/17
Re-elected 04/10/21
Expires 03/10/25
Finance Parents Daughter at school
  David Wint Elected 14/03/24
Expires 13/03/28
Performance Parents Daughter at school
Partnership Governors x2 Steven Whitehorn

Elected 18/05/15
Re-appointed 08/07/19 and 12/07/23
Expires 07/07/27
Voted as Co-Chair 03/07/23

Performance FGB Friend of member of staff at school
Co-Opted Governors x7 Dale Wicks Appointed 11/02/21
Expires 10/02/25
Voted as Co-Chair 03/07/23
Finance FGB Son at school
Employed by Lloyds Banking Group
  Sheila Newman Elected 10/07/17
Re-appointed 20/05/21
Expires 19/05/25
Community FGB Neighbour
  Tina Morris Elected 30/11/23
Expires 29/11/27
Community FGB Daughter at school
  Debbie Griffin Elected 01/2013, Re-appointed 01/05/15 as Co-Opted Gov, Re-appointed 08/07/2019 and 12/07/23
Expires 07/07/2027
Community FGB Member of staff
  Amy Andrews Elected 14/03/24
Expires 13/03/28
Performance FGB Son at school
  David Lord Elected 28/01/22
Expires 27/01/26
Community FGB None
Staff Governors x1 Amy Fitzgerald-Johnson Appointed 26/11/21
Expires 25/11/25
Performance Staff Member of staff
Headteacher Stephen Derry       Member of staff
Clerk Victoria Quinn  Appointed 01/09/22     Member of staff

The diversity data is confidential but is regularly analysed by the board and used in recruitment and training to ensure Governors reflect the school community.

FGB Attendance Log

Governor Names 19/09/23 30/11/23 14/03/24 09/05/24 03/07.23
Amy Andrews      
Karen Clinton End
Stephen Derry        
Amy Fitzgerald-Johnson
Debbie Griffin
Jonathan Haviland
Mary Higgins End
Simon Holden  
David Lord
Tina Morris  
Sheila Newman
Stephen Tuffin
Claire Weaving End    
Dale Wicks
David Wint      
Steven Whitehorn
Bob Whittard End      


Names of Governors who served on Board of Governors in the past 12 Months who no longer serve.

Mary Higgins - 03/07/24

Karen Clinton - 19/05/24

Claire Weaving - 23/01/24

Bob Whittard - 20/11/23