Advice and Support
If you have an out of hours urgent concern over the welfare of a child who attends Barnwood Park please contact the school immediately on
Anyone with a concern over the safety and /or wellbeing of a child can also contact Gloucestershire Childrens’ Services directly.
Telephone: 01452 42 65 65 (9am-5pm)
Outside of office hours (as stated above) you can contact the Children & Families Services Emergency Duty Team on 01452 614194. For emergencies the Police should be contacted.
Where to go to access support in school:
Students are able to speak with their Form Teacher and to any other member of staff they feel comfortable talking to.
Key members of staff are:
Year 7 | Miss Wellington Mr Heppner | |
Year 8 | Mr Hall Miss Kirton | |
Year 9 | Mrs Foster Mrs Dee | |
Year 10 | Miss Owen Mrs Oliver | |
Year 11 | Mrs Biles Mr Backhouse | |
DSL | Mrs Allen | |
DSL & Assistant Headteacher | Miss Young | |
Pastoral Support | Miss Blair | |
If you have an out of hours urgent concern over the welfare of a child who attends Barnwood Park please contact the school immediately on
Anyone with a concern over the safety and /or wellbeing of a child can also contact Gloucestershire Childrens’ Services directly.
Telephone: 01452 42 65 65 (9am-5pm)
Outside of office hours (as stated above) you can contact the Children & Families Services Emergency Duty Team on 01452 614194. For emergencies the Police should be contacted.
Young Minds Matter (YMM) is a safe and confidential mental health support service developed for children and young people up to 18 years of age in schools across Gloucestershire.
The team can offer you support if you are struggling with things like anxiety, low mood and poor sleep or similar concerns. This can be either face-to-face in school or via a virtual online platform. To meet with someone from Young Minds Matter you can ask a teacher/member of staff in the school to make a referral for you. Alternatively, if you attend a secondary school and would prefer not to talk to someone at school you can refer yourself into the team using YMMChat: 07480 635723
(Monday to Friday 9am – 4:30pm) Except Bank Holidays.
tic+chat is an anonymous, safe, confidential, 1-2-1, support service for young people aged 9-25 living in Gloucestershire. Call or live-message their friendly, trained team members about anything that's troubling you.
To enter tic+chat they will ask you for a username (this could be your first name, or any other name you wish to be known by).
Calling or entering the chat means you have read the Terms of Use.
If your child is aged 0-25 and lives in Gloucestershire, drop in to the free, anonymous, confidential helpline during our open hours and talk to one of our trained parent support advisers.
We care, we won’t judge, and we will take you seriously.
The Parent Support and Advice line is a drop-in service. Due to current high demand we are unable to offer parents and carers regular or frequent sessions.
Problem getting through on the phone? Why not try contacting them through the webchat? There may still be a wait but you'll be able to take a place in our queue.
To call or enter the Parent Support and Advice Line they will ask you for a username. This could be your first name, or any other name you wish to be known by. Calling or entering the service means you have read and agreed with our Terms of Use.
Telephone: 0800 6525675
MON 5pm – 9pm
TUES 9.30am – 1pm
WED 5pm – 9pm
THURS 5pm – 9pm
FREE Parent Workshops that TIC+ are running in Gloucester, Cheltenham and online via Microsoft TEAMS from January 2025 over a course of 5 weeks. These workshops are for parents/carers of children between the ages of 11-18 within Gloucestershire. Please note that bookings for these will close early in January.
Our established workshops are designed to inform and support parents, helping them to understand their child’s distress and discover effective strategies to improve their resilience. The workshops are also an opportunity for parents going through similar experiences to encourage, support and learn from each other in a safe and friendly environment.
Dates | 22 January–26 February |
Day | Wednesday |
Time | 10:00am-11:30am |
Location | Cheltenham |
Final Booking Date | Monday 13 January at 11.30pm |
22 January–26 February