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Barnwood Park School

Safeguarding at Barnwood

At Barnwood Park school, safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do. Staff are trained to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that gives pupils opportunities to experience life in all its diversity, to acquire knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding.

The intent of the school’s curriculum is to ensure that all pupils are able to amass a sufficiently wide and extensive set of knowledge and skills, so that they are suitably prepared for the next steps of their education and to participate fully in the world in which they live. To remain safe now, and participate fully and safely in society in the future, we ensure that pupils are taught about safeguarding, including online safety in our curriculum, as well as how to report concerns and seek support whenever they need it.

The implementation of our safeguarding curriculum is explicitly through our PSHE and ICT lessons, weekly assemblies and during form time.

Our preventative safeguarding curriculum is responsive to the needs of our pupils based on what we hear and see or what is reported to us. For instance, during 2022-2023 we introduced learning about online influencers due to a rise in concerns about misogynistic views; there was also specific teaching about “The Hackett’s Continuum of sexualised behaviours” in response to Ofsted’s review (2021) of sexual abuse in schools and colleges following the “Everyone’s invited” campaign. In 2023-2024 we have introduced a drop-down day looking at the impact of Youth Violence as well as a play to Year 9 pupils called “Breaking the Chain”.

The impact of our sequenced safeguarding curriculum is monitored and evidenced through a number of measures such as behaviour incidents, incidence of prejudicial behaviour and sexual harassment, attendance rates, risk concerns raised by staff and pupils. The impact is also apparent through the culture and lived experience of pupils and staff at the school, which are determined by our annual safeguarding audit and review, surveys (of pupils and parents) and our staff surveys.


If you have an out of hours urgent concern over the welfare of a child who attends Barnwood Park please contact the school immediately on

Anyone with a concern over the safety and /or wellbeing of a child can also contact Gloucestershire Childrens’ Services directly. 

Telephone: 01452 42 65 65 (9am-5pm) 

Outside of office hours (as stated above) you can contact the Children & Families Services Emergency Duty Team on 01452 614194. For emergencies the Police should be contacted.

Barnwood Park School Safeguarding/Child Protection Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Young

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Allen 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & EWO 

Pastoral Support
Miss Blair 

Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Andrews 


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Our safeguarding policy can be downloaded from the school policies and documents page.