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Barnwood Park School

Royal Navy Careers Catering Careers Event

Two groups of Year 10 students attended a workshop delivered by Kathryn Ross and Leading Hand Bojand from the Royal Navy Catering Specialist Team.  The session comprised of a careers information session where the team promoted their roles within the Logistics Branch of the Royal Navy, including the exciting opportunities and challenges of working within such environments as Warships, Submarines and on operational deployments.

Kathryn told us that they had cooked for High Royalty and Celebrities. Recently they had cooked a meal for Bear Grylls who had requested a basic meal of medium rare steak, chips and onion rings.

The students then took part in an interactive workshop where they were placed in groups to compete against each other to deliver two plates of food. This was a great activity to exercise pupils team work, initiative and communication whilst working against the clock.


For further information -

Please note that the Royal Navy will be amongst the many delegates attending Barnwood Park’s Careers Fayre on the 19th October 2023.