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Barnwood Park School

Activity Day 2022

Tuesday 19th July

Please make sure you have read carefully the information about each trip before making your choice. Each trip has different cost implications and departure/arrival times. Please ensure you select the most appropriate trips for you from those available.

Click here to view the booklet.

Students will need to bring their own lunch and refreshments for the day. If your child is entitled to free school meal then one will be provided for them, if ordered.

There will be activities taking place in school if students do not wish to attend any of the trips available. This day will be non-uniform.

The tickets are limited for these events so please encourage your child to return the permission slip and payment as soon as possible.

Can you confirm that your Parental Consent Form, which you completed at the beginning of the school year, is up to date and that you have informed us of any medical changes.

Please return the reply slip to the blue box outside the Headteacher’s office by Friday 6 May 2022. Replies received after this date may not be accepted.

If you have any queries regarding the trip please do not hesitate to contact the school.