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Chelsea's Story

Year 8 watched the production of Chelsea’s Story. This was performed by an external company who show this production to all the secondary schools in Gloucestershire. The play shows the true story of a young girl called Chelsea. It follows two students who discover Chelsea’s Diary.

Chelsea was a 15 year old girl who had fallen out with her friends and family. She then met a guy called Gary. Gary was kind, understanding, had a nice car, had his own flat and listened to her. Unfortunately, Gary was not all that he seemed to be and his behaviour towards Chelsea changed as time went on. 

Chelsea’s story, as written in her diary, is acted out and examined by the 2 students who, along with their teacher, attempt to understand what happened to her. 

The aim of the play is to look at healthy and unhealthy relationships and for students to understand the difference and to help them look for characteristics of both. It also looked at exploitation – educating students as to what this is and to recognise the signs. Students are also informed of where they can go to for help and support if they have any concerns or worries about relationships or exploitation. Follow-up work was completed in PSHE lessons.