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Careers Fayre

On Thursday 17th October we held our annual Careers Fayre, where over 25 exhibitors and guests joined us in supporting the students to see what options are out there for them. We had a wide range of Sixth Forms for those looking to do their A-Levels and stay in a school environment; Colleges offering a range of academic and technical qualifications and companies offering Apprenticeships for those who want to go straight into work whilst still gaining a qualification. New this year was The Careers Cafe where students could have informal chats with guests and staff about their own careers and the paths they took to get there.

Year 11 were invited to the Fayre during Lesson 5 and there was a real buzz from the students.  Many of them chatted with prospective providers for their Post-16 placements and came away with lots to think about.

At 3.15pm the Fayre was opened up to Years 7-10, and later to parents.  Even though it is a while before they are in Year 11, it was great to see students from the lower years coming in to see what was going on, having chats with the exhibitors, guests and staff. 

We are very proud of our students who handled themselves in a mature and respectful manner and were given lots of compliments regarding their politeness and engaging conversations. Well Done. 

Roll on next year!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our exhibitors for coming to see our students. If you are interested in joining us next year please get in touch by emailing our Careers Lead -