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Term 6 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

I would like to thank all parents and carers for their continued support of the students and staff at Barnwood Park throughout the year. Over the course of this term, we have seen our students grow, develop and most importantly celebrate their enormous range of skills, talents and achievements.

Firstly, our Year 11 students enjoyed a wonderful Leavers’ Assembly with form tutors sharing their most memorable moments of the last 5 years with their form groups. A slide show featuring snapshots from Years 7 –11 brought smiles, laughter and sometimes a tear to many of the year group. This was followed by a truly spectacular Prom at Bowden Hall. Our students looked amazing in their prom outfits and a number made some very spectacular entrances! The students enjoyed a formal 3-course dinner followed by a lot of spirited dancing; it was an extremely special evening. Our thanks go to Mrs. Wellington, Miss Pearson and the Year 11 team for organising such a successful event.

Our Year 10s spent the first week of July out on work experience.  Many staff visited them on placement and judging from the reports from local companies and feedback from line managers, they did themselves and us proud.  It is especially pleasing to hear that 2 of our students have secured job offers (subject to completing their education) and we would like to extend our thanks to all those who hosted and enabled this valuable experience.

The annual Awards Evening took place last week and this was another tremendous evening with over 80 students receiving awards for their academic effort and achievement.  Students knew they had been nominated but only found out which award on the evening when winners were announced; this created a lovely atmosphere of anticipation and celebration. Thank you to all the parents who provided such positive feedback and further thanks to Ms Workman who worked with Food Technology students to provide a range of appetisers, Mrs. Rayfield, Mrs Lusty, Miss Smith, Mrs Swain, Mrs Foster, Miss Williams and the IT team for their hard work and commitment in creating such a wonderful evening for our students. The list of award winners and link to view more photographs is available further on in the newsletter.

Friday 12th July was our school sports day. We saw all our students participating in traditional athletics events such as 100m sprint, discus and classic relays alongside a whole range of fun games. The day was an overwhelming success; our students behaved beautifully and the level of achievement was extremely high with a number of school records being smashed. Congratulations go to all our competitors and a huge thanks to Mrs. Huggins and the PE department for going the extra mile to ensure that we could make this happen! A selection of photographs can be viewed further on in the newsletter and on our social media pages.

It leaves me to wish you all a relaxing and refreshing summer break. We look forward to seeing you in September.