Barnwood Park is a foundation school admitting girls and boys from all levels of ability into Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
The County Council deals with admissions into Year 7. The school deals with admissions for all other year groups. The standard admission number from September 2024 for all years is 180.
Copies of our Admissions Policies can be viewed on our Policies page. Click here to view our Policies page.
Guidance on admissions procedures is contained in the booklet published by, and available from Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester.
Gloucester County Council School Admissions Page
Advice on the admissions procedure is available from the Children and Young Peoples Directorate, telephone number 01452 425000.
Barnwood Park School consulted on the proposed amendments to the admission arrangements for entry in September 2026 between Friday 25th October to Monday 9th December 2024.
The consultation has now closed. All responses will be reviewed by the Local Governing Body by 28th February 2025.
Timetable for Appeals 2024-2025 transfer to Secondary school
Appeals paperwork must be received by 3pm on Friday 12th April 2024. Any appeals lodged after 12th April 2024 must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
The right of appeal is to a panel made up of members of the public who are independent of the chosen school and independent of the local authority. Before launching an appeal for your child to have a place at Barnwood Park, we would urge you to consider whether you have grounds for appeal that go beyond suggesting that your child (like many others) would benefit from a Barnwood Park education. Please also be aware that the distance between the school and your home address has already been considered as part of the original allocation process so this alone, is unlikely to form sufficient grounds for a successful appeal.
Appeal forms should be forwarded to
Notice of the appeal hearing
The Clerk to the Independent Appeals Panel will write to parents/carers with the date, time and location of where the appeal will be held. You will receive at least 10 school days’ notice.
Notice of appeal outcomes will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing wherever possible.