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Newsletter Blog

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  • 12/07/22

    Term 6 2022

    Dear all, We have nearly reached the end of what has been another extraordinary year. I would like to thank you all for your support and encouragement over the year and, although it was not the year I was expecting, it has been an incredible privilege to work with so many amazing students, staff...
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  • 18/05/22

    Newsletter Term 5

    Dear Parents and Carers, Year 11 We have now entered ‘exam season’ – the first for a few years. Whilst this has been a source of anxiety for many, I have been encouraged that the majority of our students have been working hard and remaining positive. We are grateful for...
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  • 04/04/22

    Term 4 Newsletter - Headteacher Update

    I hope this newsletter finds you well.   It has been two whole years since the first lockdown and the start of the COVID pandemic and we are still having to live with some of the constraints and disruptions to our everyday lives.  It was as a last resort that we had to move some KS3 y...
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  • 15/02/22

    Term 3 Newsletter - Headteacher Update

    Dear Parents and Carers, Spring is slowly and steadily on its way - the long dark nights are gradually getting shorter and we are beginning to notice the days getting longer.  I have been encouraged that so many of our students continue to work hard and remain so positive in such challenging...
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