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19.07.2024 - Click here to view the latest information regarding the Department for Education Changes to Attendance from September 2024 letter.

As a school, we will expect our students to achieve at least 96% attendance.

Attendance and Punctuality

We encourage parents/carers to ensure their child achieves a maximum attendance. However, should your child be absent for any reason please phone 01452 530389 by 8:30am on each day of absence or contact us via email at If a message has not been received by 9:15 am our Attendance Manager will contact you via text/phone.

An excellent attendance record is essential if you are going to be able to perform to the best of your ability at school

If a student has to stay at home because of illness please follow these steps:

  • Parent or carer should contact the school before 8:30am on each day of absence and leave a message on the absence line.
  • State the full name of the student, students form and conditions of illness.
  • Parents and carers may be asked to supply a doctors note/supporting evidence following absence due to illness.


If a student is absent from school without permission this will be identified as truancy and appear as such on school records, students will incur a sanction for this.

Medical and dental appointments

Click here for Request for Leave for Medical Appointment form

Unless genuinely unavoidable all medical and dental appointments should be made outside school time. If there are on-going medical issues please let the school know so arrangements for extra support for your child can be made.

Family Holidays

Family holidays must not be arranged during school time because it disrupts work and progress. Family holidays during school time will not be authorised.

Special circumstances

As a school we recognise that sometimes a student may need to have time away due to special circumstances, please contact the Attendance Manager-, to discuss your needs further and put forward any arrangements to the Head Teacher.

Morning Registration

Students should arrive at morning greeting by 8:40am and a register will be taken at 8:45am. If they arrive after 8:45am they must sign in with the Attendance Officer and will receive a late mark. An unauthorised absence mark will be given if a student arrives after 9:15am. A 20 minute after school detention will be issued for any student that is late to school and this will be notified to parents via EduLink. Persistent absence will result in further sanction. If a student arrives late and fails to sign in it is likely parents and carers will receive a text message or phone call from our Attendance Manager.

Fixed term Penalties

Gloucestershire Local authority have implemented a system of fines for parents and carers of students who have 5 or more days of consecutive or cumulative absence due to term time leave. These absences can be a combination of the following codes:
G - Term Time Leave of Absence
O - Unauthorised Absence - Failure to contact the school (unexplained absence) may result in an absence being recorded as unauthorised
U - Late After the Close of Registers

Click here for more information on the Gloucestershire County Council website.

The world is run by those who turn up

  • Attending school every day = 100% Attendance
  • Attending 4.5 days a week = 90% Attendance = 4 Weeks missed per Year
  • Attending 4 days a week = 80% Attendance = More than half a term missed per year
  • Attending 3.5 days a week = 70% Attendance = More than a quarter of the school year missed.
  • An average attendance of 80% or less across a childs school career adds up to missing a whole 2 years of school.
  • Being late for school reduces learning time
  • If your child is late 5 minutes every day = 3 days learning a year missed
  • If your child is late 15 minutes every day = 2 weeks of learning a year missed

Make every minute count

Click here to view our Attendance Policy.