Who may benefit from Early Help?
All school staff should be particularly alert to the potential need for Early Help for a child who:
Has mental health needs
Is a young carer
Has returned home from care
Is persistently absent from school or with patterns of absence
Lives in a home with alcohol or drugs misuse
Is living with domestic violence
(Source KCSIE 2023)
Early Help at Barnwood Park School is also offered in relation to the following areas in collaboration with other agencies:
Lack of engagement in learning or lack of academic progress
Developmental and learning or Speech and language delay
Emotional and behavioural needs
Child on Child abuse or Teenage Relationship Abuse
Harmful Sexualised Behaviour
Hate Incidents towards those with characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010
Parenting skills
Involvement or associations with Gangs and Youth Violence
Gender based violence or abuse (violence against women and girls, including FGM)
Honour Based Abuse or violence
Health and nutrition
Radicalisation or Extremism
Sharing of nude and or semi-nude images
Child Sexual or Criminal Exploitation
Physical Health
Risk of not being in Education or Employment post 16
Examples of Early Help:
Family Support
Food Bank Referral
School Nurse Support
Housing Support
Mentoring and Tutoring
Behaviour Support
Attendance Support
Benefit Support