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Term 5 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,  

Although it is with sadness that I write this, my final newsletter, to you, it is with real pride that I would like to say a huge congratulations to our Year 11 students on the start of their exams. The students have conducted themselves in a calm, purposeful and focused manner; it has been encouraging to see them attending their exams and preparation sessions with such a positive mindset. We wish them all the very best for the remaining exams.  

Thank you to all parents who attended the Year 8 Academic Progress Evening; we were extremely pleased with the positive feedback we received and I thank you for your ongoing support. Our Year 8 students are beginning to make a very positive impact on our school community, and their work ethic is to be commended. 

This term our Dance students took part in the Regional Dance Competition.  I was delighted to hear that the students' group piece won first place in the KS4/5 category and they will now perform in the national finals!

We were also pleased to welcome EDF Energy into school in May.  They delivered a fun and interactive workshop for Year 7 students and gave them an insight into what it takes to be an engineer.


Areas of concern:

We have sadly had a number of fire alarm issues again this term which have now been addressed. I would like to thank all parents/carers for supporting the school in resolving this issue. 

Vandalism: We had a surge of vandalism at the start of Term 5, particularly in the toilets. We have placed more senior staff on duty at the toilets during break and lunchtime; this has made a significant difference and I would like to reassure all students and families that the toilets are a safe and supervised environment. 


Next term:

1 – 5 July - Year 10 Work Experience.

3 – 4 July - Year 6 Transition Days.

11 July - Awards Evening.  

July – Trip to Barcelona.


And finally... 

It remains for me to thank all the students, staff and parent/carers who have made my time at Barnwood so memorable. I wish you all the very best for the future.

Kind regards, 

Karen Clinton